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One Mission

Inspire faith by sharing the impact, beauty, and diversity of the global Church.

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One Heart

One Global Church is comprised of many local churches around the world.

Each church here looks, teaches, worships, and serves differently. One Global Church provides a place to explore and honor the differences of those who seek Him from “every nation and tribe and people and language.” May the multitudes that God sees from His throne today have the courage to be present together for a moment on Earth before we are eternally transformed and united forever in His presence.

We pray that the vast riches of His presence and the many expressions of His love will be evident for all to see and experience. As He said, “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one.”

That is why we are one… One Global Church.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is One Global Church for?

One Global Church is designed for anyone who would like to explore or experience God’s presence around the world, revealed in many different cultures, languages, and traditions. This is a chance to discover and celebrate Him beyond what we may typically see or have access to. One Global Church features local churches, causes, and news, to help grow our perspective of His greatness on Earth.

What churches are on One Global Church?

Churches on the One Global Church platform represent a variety of cultures, languages, traditions, worship styles, ministries, and community needs. They may be unaffiliated on Earth, but they are together before our King. Churches here recognize the Apostles’ Creed, and accept that other churches listed may differ on subjects outside of this fundamental doctrine. Like a stained glass window, this is the beauty of presenting a variety of local churches in one space.

Are there requirements for a church to be on One Global Church?

Each church listed on the One Global Church platform includes several components, including:

A church listed on One Global Church will have a short profile area with written information about the church. It is encouraged that this be less than 500 words, providing a summary about the church. A profile paints a picture of your unique church, and may include a mission statement, information about the environment, culture, and community around the church, the approach to local outreach, languages spoken, relevant affiliations, and prayer requests. One Global Church can provide language for a written profile if desired.

For a church to be listed on the One Global Church platform, it is encouraged that YouTube or Facebook already be utilized to stream worship services. A link to this stream, either the entire channel or a dedicated playlist, is displayed on each church’s profile page. Please note that it is beneficial for the audience to see your church’s worship, but it is up to the church to secure appropriate rights for streaming.

Churches on One Global Church recognize the Apostles’ Creed, and accept that other churches listed may differ on subjects outside of this fundamental doctrine. The Apostles’ Creed in the modern English version is:

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth. 

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come again to judge the living and the dead. 

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic* church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.


*Where “catholic” refers to the universal wholeness of Christ’s whole Church in all times and places, not to any specific branch of Christianity.

Each church may have one giving button included on their One Global Church profile page. When a donor gives to the church through the One Global Church website, 90% is given directly to the church, and the remainder is used by One Global Church for ongoing development and transaction fees. If a giving button is desired, then preferred payment details need to be provided to One Global Church. A giving button is not a requirement, so please let us know if your church would prefer this feature to be excluded.

If your church has a website, One Global Church will link to it from your profile page. This is encouraged, but not required. Please let us know if your church would prefer this feature to be excluded.

How can my church be added to One Global Church?

If your church would like to be listed on the One Global Church platform, please use the form below to reach out and we would be honored to connect with you.

How does One Global Church work?

One Global Church is continually expanding by seeking churches, causes, and stories that may be beneficial for inspiring faith in others. A church or cause may reach out to us as well, and once a partner aligns on a few details, then we add them to our site so they may be shared with our global community.

If you represent a church, cause, or news source that may enrich the One Global Church audience, please use the form below to contact us.

Are multiple languages supported on One Global Church?

At this time, One Global Church is designed as a website, allowing Google translate to assist with language translation where that feature is available.

In the future, language translation is anticipated as a feature within the One Global Church platform, and we look forward to developing that capability as soon as possible.

What are donations used for?

Donations to One Global Church are used to help us reach more people with the love of God through local churches. Funds assist with partner development, programming, content creation, and online support so that more people can experience the greatness of His love across different cultures, languages, and traditions.

Donations to a specific church on this platform are designed to support that local church. 90% of your donation to a church on this website goes directly to that church, and the remainder is used to help support the growth and technical needs of One Global Church. Donations made to churches are reconciled monthly, when funds are distributed to specific churches. Please note that One Global Church is a ministry of The Light Farm, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity in the United States, and distributed funds will appear as being received from The Light Farm.

Thank you for your generosity that helps expand His global Church!

Is One Global Church a nonprofit?

One Global Church is a ministry of The Light Farm, a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit in the United States. Donations to One Global Church are administered by The Light Farm, and restricted as funds for only supporting the work of One Global Church.

Information about The Light Farm can be found on online by clicking here.

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If you represent a church or a cause and would like to inquire about participating in One Global Church, please send us a message and we will respond as soon as possible.

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Giving History

To view your giving history through One Global Church, please click here.

Thank you for your generosity that helps grow His global Church around the world!

One Global Church is a ministry of The Light Farm, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the U.S., dedicated to spreading Jesus’ light with creativity and relevance.